$2 OFF Enchanted Drink Specials when you dress as your favorite storybook/fairytale character, be it Wizard, Witch, Princess, Huntsman, Goldilocks, Wolf, Goblin, Gingerbread Man…or ordinary townsperson Live Music for Dancing by Lavay Smith & Her Red Hot Skillet Lickers (9:30-midnight)
May 2016 – Live Music Schedule
May 4: Steve Lucky & the Rhumba Bums May 11: SF Medicine Ball Band May 18: Macy Blackman & the Mighty Fines May 25: Fil Lorenz Orchestra
April 2016 – Live Music Schedule
April 6: Rich & the Rhythm Roustabouts April 13: Si Perkoff’s Fantastic Swingtime Band with Kally Price April 20: Tin Cup Serenade April 27: Lavay Smith & Her Red Hot Skillet Lickers PLUS: Once Upon A Time Dress-Up & Dance
Wednesday, 3/30 Swing for Salsa Dancers Workshop
Accelerated course for social dancers with Michael Terkowski & Liz Miller 7:15pm-9:30pm. $20 online pre-registration. $25 at the door. Price includes the dance party! If you dance Salsa or Casino, you can learn swing dancing in just two hours! After
Wednesday, 2/10: Love is in the Air – Dress Up & Dance Party!
Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, There’s a dance at Cats Corner, and we’re inviting you! Get into the loving spirit and come down to Cats Corner for some lovely music, lovely faces and lovely beverages. Get dolled up and
Wednesday, 1/27: Spaghetti Western Dress Up & Dance Party!
This week, pony up to the Cats Corner Saloon, a bang-up watering hole on the frontier of the Wild, Wild West! There’s a dance on Wednesday, so put on your best bib and tucker, and be ready for a hog-killin’ good time
Leaders Needed for January Classes!
Cats Corner is looking for several more leaders to join our January classes and dance with all the enthusiastic followers who’ve already signed up! Here’s where the leaders are needed: 7pm Beginning Lindy Hop (4 leaders needed) 7pm St. Louis
January Lindy Hop & Swing Classes!
Sign up online for January classes and swing into the New Year! 4-week Series Classes ($60-70/month) 7pm Beginning Lindy Hop w/ Nathan & Alyssa 8pm Intermediate Lindy Hop w/ Nathan & Alyssa 7pm St. Louis Shag w/ Ken & Jennifer
Wed, Dec 23: Winter Holiday Party!
Lots of fun in store this week to raise your Holiday spirits! Live Music with the SF Medicine Ball Band featuring rare and special guest saxophone player Pee-Wee Ellis – bandleader for James Brown and Van Morrison! $2 OFF Holiday
Wed, Dec 16: Lindy Student Performance!
Justin & Oliva’s amazing and hardworking students have been working on a Lindy Hop showcase routine for the last several weeks and are having their debut performance this week at Cat’s Corner at the 10:30pm band break! Come watch and cheer them